Exercising Moral Integrity in Modern World Part 1

By: Tonya Mead, CFE, PI, MBA,MA Educational Psychology

Chris Morgan in the Arkansas Journal of Social Change and Public Service paraphrases Immanuel Kant to say, “certain corrupt  behaviors may be deemed ethically permissible” when the underlying intent,  “arises under a duty and not an inclination toward a self-gratifying or advantageous outcome.”

Nichols, as cited by Morgan, offers a contrasting viewpoint demonstrating the impact of an individual’s action on society as a whole.  Illegal or unethical actions of one player create ethical and moral dilemmas for others. If the colleagues of the unethical individual choose to lie, cheat or steal like their unethical counterpart; they too are at an advantage. On the other hand, should they decide to obey the law and follow ethical guidelines, they will be disadvantaged.

This condition is known as Integrative Social Contract Theory. “After one deviates from the rules, the environment almost demands that others act corruptly in order to survive.” Is this reflective of the situation today? How do we dig ourselves from the never-ending vortex of hell?

Ancient Warrior Code
According to Shannon French, the essential element of a warrior’s code is to set definite limits on what warriors can and cannot do. In this sense, warriors value honor, integrity, justice and a sense of what is right and wrong. To the ancient warrior, the discernment between right and wrong is like night and day. Clear, obvious, unquestionable. To them, there are no gray areas, no “that depends on what your definition of ‘is’ is “(Bill Clinton). To the warrior, if something is not right, he will not do it.

Ancient Warriors versus Corporate Warriors
In ancient times, one looked to the warrior for guidance to the light; to serve as defenders of moral integrity. Today, though, the warrior, or rather corporate warrior is perceived as mere profiteers. Neocons, using natural disasters, social unrest, changes in regimes and wars- have been used ‘as a natural ally’ of corporate interests. Naomi Klein, indicates that heads of companies, representatives of municipalities stood in the rubble of Hurricane Katrina in New Orleans and thanked God for the solution to the problem of housing in New Orleans. Similarly, PW Singer,  writes that private corporations working for profit have the ability to sway the course of national and international conflict.

Continue to part 2, here.

Tonya J. Mead, CFE, PI, MBA, MA, Certified K-12 Administrator and School Psychologist is author of Fraud in Education: Beyond the Wrong Answer and president of Shared Knowledge, LLC https://ishareknowledge.com