- Sad Young Man
- Sad Young Woman
- Sad Girl

Shared Knowledge Service Number 1
The Need for Coaching
There are so many gifted, average, and under-performing kids and young adults who fail to reach their true potential because of the dysfunctional systems. Making systemic changes for positive reform remains elusive. The institutional changes necessary may come to pass for the next generation to enjoy, but one wonders, what about the children of today?
- Overwhelmed Guy
- Transforms to
- Happy and Content Leopard
Recognizing this urgency, our company has established a network of educational consultants, monitors and coaches who will meet the individual needs of your child. Through advocacy, time management, goal development and skills inventories; these experts are available on your time table and within your budget to help your child succeed.
Click here to learn more about our individual and group coaching services. Or, you may want to pursue our Instagram Feed at your leisure for helpful facts and snippets of research studies that will help you and yours achieve. With more than 9,000 followers we do believe we provide solid information of value.
- Shared Knowledge NLP Services
- Shared Knowledge NLP Services
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Hypnosis and Guided Imagery
Gaze at one of the images above. Notice how calm you feel.
Do you know that gazing at nature or reflecting upon the happiest moments in life help place us in a relaxed state that is conducive to new learning and helpful in deleting old negative thoughts that no longer work for us?
Do you want for yourself or your child more confidence in the achievement of targeted academic or life goals? Are you or your child weighed down by the negative programming of the past? Try guided imagery, hypnosis or NLP.
When guided hypnosis is used, clients are 200 time more accepting of positive statements and suggestions about themselves than when fully conscious.
We offer in-person and online hypnosis (Skype) and success coaching to help you uncover your unique set of skills. Once we work together to uncover your strengths, we will work through structured exercises and homework to help release negative beliefs and habits of the past and replace them with those that are positive and constructive. All centered around a detailed plan so that you can realize your short term and long term goals.
Techniques such as NLP, hypnosis and guided imagery can help re-program your subconscious mind to remove behaviors leading to self sabotage, failure, and lack of assertiveness.
Often, it is unfortunate that the public schools program inner city and rural youth for failure, through heavy sedation of psychopharmacological drugs, misdiagnosis of ADHD/ADD and Oppositional Deviant Disorder when our kids express individual attitudes that go against the status quo (complacency and group thinking).
Help your child or young adult spread his/her wings.
If you want your child to be more assertive, to refrain from persistent thoughts of victimization and bullying and to achieve his/her goals, try hypnosis. When guided hypnosis is used, clients are 200 times more accepting of positive statements and suggestions about themselves than when fully conscious.
We offer in-person and online hypnosis (Skype) and success coaching to help you uncover your unique set of skills. We work together to uncover you or your child’s strengths. We work through structured exercises and homework to help release negative beliefs and habits of the past and replace them with those that are positive and constructive. All centered around a detailed plan so that you or your child can achieve the divine destiny.
Please call us today so that we can help you or your child feel comfort in realizing his/her true potential in 90 days or less !

Shared Knowledge Number 2
Corporate Training
Dr. Mead’s areas of expertise are demonstrated in corporate training programs designed to improve performance on and off the job. Further professional development programs are designed and presented to help organizations improve organizational performance and profitability. Finally, trainings are also conducted to help individuals answer key questions about their unique interests and abilities. In so doing, they will better quality of life and can improve their earning power.
- Shared Knowledge Trainings

Shared Knowledge Number 3
Job Listing Services and Outreach
Shared Knowledge LLC offers remote job listing services to major employers, small businesses, non-governmental organizations and governmental agencies. We provide services globally and have the infrastructure in place to meet the needs of clients in Europe, North America and South America.
- Search Remotely Job Listing1
- Search Remotely Job Listing2
- Search Remotely Job Listing3

Shared Knowledge Number 4
Educational Videos for Improving Employability
Our experts at Shared Knowledge LLC and Search Remotely.com have independently written articles that are around 1,000 to 2,000 words or more. Topics of interest to our audience are: improving employability, getting the right job skills, dealing with difficult people. A sincere interest has been transferring in person service job skills for the remote jobs market.
While we feel that we have much expertise to share as leaders and I/O psychologists, we value your time. Plus as we endeavor to remain relevant to our readers in the 24- 35 age bracket visual assets are highly valued. So, we’re in the process of digitizing many of our top-ranked, popular articles in video format. Here’s just a few of our videos. To show your appreciation, please visit our YouTube channel to subscribe for exclusive content.