C-Suite, Entrepreneur, Manager, Employee Coaching
Have you hit a mental road block? Do you feel like you have charted a course toward the wrong path? Are you unhappy with your life choices? Let us help you.
We will conduct a series of personality assessments, interest inventories, market scans and personalize our interviews with you to uncover your hidden desires or subconscious beliefs that are holding you back. Call us today for more information. If you have the time, you may want to pursue our Instagram Feed at your leisure for helpful facts and snipets of research studies that will help you and yours achieve. With more than 9,000 followers we do believe we provide solid information of value.
Student Coaching- Improvement of Teen Life and Educational Performance
This firm is a personal development company for both children aged between 11 and 18 and their parents. We offer the latest techniques from the human potential field to maximize your chances of creating the sort of lives you desire.
Teenagers go through some heavy duty transformation during their secondary school years. The pressure is on to make choices about the rest of their lives at a time when hormones are kicking in, causing all kinds of great distractions!
Conventional secondary education builds knowledge that can help children negotiate their way into the working world and our firm supplements this learning by developing teenager’s confidence, self-esteem, decision-making ability and independence.
We specialize in life coaching for teenagers whose parents want them to not only achieve academically but also develop emotional maturity and literacy so that they can actually enjoy the process of growing up as well.
Parent Coaching- Improvement of Teen Life and Educational Performance
We focus on academic planning for life success, suggest alternate pathways to upper incomes for your children, and monitor the educational and school climate as an advocate for your child. However, can also coach parents in the most effective parenting, communication and stress reduction techniques which can build (or re-build) compassionate connections with the most important people in your lives – your precious children.
NLP (Neuro Linguistic Programming), Hypnosis and Guided Imagery
Gaze at one of the images above. Notice how calm you feel.
Do you know that gazing at nature or reflecting upon the happiest moments in life help place us in a relaxed state that is conducive to new learning and helpful in deleting old negative thoughts that no longer work for us?
Do you want for yourself or your child more confidence in the achievement of targeted academic or life goals? Are you or your child weighed down by the negative programming of the past? Try guided imagery, hypnosis or NLP.
When guided hypnosis is used, clients are 200 time more accepting of positive statements and suggestions about themselves than when fully conscious.
We offer in-person and online hypnosis (Skype) and success coaching to help you uncover your unique set of skills. Once we work together to uncover your strengths, we will work through structured exercises and homework to help release negative beliefs and habits of the past and replace them with those that are positive and constructive. All centered around a detailed plan so that you can realize your short term and long term goals.
Techniques such as NLP, hypnosis and guided imagery can help re-program your subconscious mind to remove behaviors leading to self sabotage, failure, and lack of assertiveness.
Often, it is unfortunate that the public schools program inner city and rural youth for failure, through heavy sedation of psychopharmacological drugs, misdiagnosis of ADHD/ADD and Oppositional Deviant Disorder when our kids express individual attitudes that go against the status quo (complacency and group thinking).
Help your child spread his/her wings.
If you want your child to be more assertive, to refrain from persistent thoughts of victimization and bullying and to achieve his/her goals, try hypnosis. When guided hypnosis is used, clients are 200 times more accepting of positive statements and suggestions about themselves than when fully conscious.
We offer in-person and online hypnosis (Skype) and success coaching to help you uncover your unique set of skills. We work together to uncover you or your child’s strengths. We work through structured exercises and homework to help release negative beliefs and habits of the past and replace them with those that are positive and constructive. All centered around a detailed plan so that you or your child can achieve the divine destiny.
Please call us today so that we can help you or your child feel comfort in realizing his/her true potential in 90 days or less !