By: Tonya Mead, PhD, MBA, M.Ed, School Psychologist

This article was originally written to address the Swine Flu Epidemic for DC Examiner. It has been updated to reflect Coronavirus Pandemic, stay-at-home orders, home schooling, and school closures.
Brush the soles of your shoes, take off shoes, place on a mat near the door, and enter your home with your socks, refraining from entering your home with dirty soles
Stress the importance of frequent hand washing to your family members (at least 4-6 times per day)
Inspect hands of occupants upon arrival and before leaving home
Institute the 20 second hand wash rule (hum A-B-C song, Lala, I will survive, My Sharona, These Boots are Made for Walking)
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Wipe down school or travel backpack, lunch box, briefcase, thermos, or weekend, athletic duffel bag with alcohol based solution
Wipe down transported pencils, pens, MP3, WiiFii, D3 players, Blackberry with alcohol based solution
Place handi-wipes and/or alcohol based anti-bacterial cream in a ‘to go bag’ or place in the car
Consider forgoing transportation via subway- car pool or drive alone
Wipe down door knobs, steering wheel (car, home, office) and handle bars and other toys with cleaning solution
Instruct family members to refrain from touching others, or handrails, food products in grocery stores, and then placing their hands on their eyes, mouth or nose
Remind family members to cover mouth when sneezing or coughing, and or wear a mask
Steer clear of day-care, food, grocery, athletic facilities or restaurants with less than stellar hygienic records
Refrain from eating in restaurants, playing at entertainment facilities, or visiting public theaters until Coronavirus epidemic passes
Remind family to wipe down desk, chair, telephone, computer equipment and supplies with alcohol based cleaner
Disinfect kitchen, bathroom counters before and after preparing food
If you’d like additional activity ideas to help your child stay on track during the Coronavirus Pandemic, please visit my Amazon store. All of the products listed have been expertly curated by a School Psychologist).
Dr. Mead, PhD, MBA, MA is a consultant specializing in human behavior, school and social psychology. She can be contacted at: tonya at ishareknowledge dot com