The author explores the possibilities available for Blacks to expand their horizons by escaping the prejudices of history that have shaped their lives and attitudes. She encourages the individual to seek the respect of self and others, and to harness talents in order to attain self sufficiency on a personal and economic level.
This book is the result of my attempts to understand the mysteries of life. As members of a disfranchised group, we resemble bumble bees. Aerodynamically, according to the laws of physics, we should not be able to fly. Items negating our abilities include: reports of intellectual limitations and genetic inferiority: professional journals and literature valuing homogeneous managers as more productive given a diverse and heterogeneous environment; prejudicial myths of predisposition to violence and reproduction; and the mass media hystericising the plight of the urban poor an the backlash of the white male.
![Awaken Book Cover](
If we allow others—those on the outside—to dictate our lives, we will never realize our mission in life—to fly with strength, beauty, grace and dignity. No matter how much training, education, and business experience we obtain, hatred and prejudice will always obscure and overrule the obvious.
The missing ingredient is perfect love. Selfless love, unyielding love, forgiving love; a love not prone to envy, hate and boastfulness. This love—perfect love—magnifies the three dependent variables, training, education and experience, which allow us to fly in the midst of oppression, negativity and false beliefs.
So, the bumble bee bumbles and buzzes happily from flower to flower, enjoying fully the nectar of life, unaware of the commotion around him. All he knows—innately—is that God gave him the ability to fly, and so he does…
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Product details
- File Size: 4803 KB
- Print Length: 150 pages
- Publisher: First Printing: Minerva Press, UK- Second Printing: Shared Knowledge, LLC (November 13, 2017)
- Publication Date: November 13, 2017
- Sold by: Services LLC
- Language: English
- Text-to-Speech: Not enabled
- X-Ray:Not Enabled
- Word Wise: Not Enabled
- Lending: Enabled
- Enhanced Typesetting: Not Enabled