Before you start any home schooling program you should investigate all of the free and low cost home school material which is available. There is such a wide variety of home school material that you need to decide which one is the best for your particular home school program. Some free home school resources will provide a great benefit to your family and other free home school resources won’t work for your child. As a Certified School Psychologist, it is highly recommended that you acquire educational materials that are backed by researched-based pedagogy designed to help your child learn, progress and lead a healthy productive life. Please consider visiting my Amazon store. I’ve curated a list of recommended educational activity ideas, activities, games and lesson plans sure to keep your and your child engaged.
One of the best, and most obvious, benefits of free and/or low cost home school materials are the low out-of-pocket expresses. You will be able to save money by not purchasing school supplies, or by purchasing products that are well-proven without the need to return them due to dissatisfaction. Also, you may elect to have your child complete courses online with the tools you need already contained on your computer or utilize the tried and true methods of hands on activities supported by utensils, tools and games you already own at home (baking goods, gardening equipment, family games, etc) . You will also save money by not using traditional schools because you won’t have any transportation costs when you stay home for school.
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It is quite remarkable that you may not need to pay very much out-of-pocket by home schooling your child and still get the same education you would if you were attending a traditional school. Further, any materials you do purchase can be stored at home and are readily accessible at any time, one weekends and in future years for you and your child or for your children not yet conceived.
Convenience is another benefit of home school programming. Instead of having to leave the home early your student will be able to stay home and work from their living room or their bedroom. There are many free or low cost home school resources available on the computer which you will be able to access easily.
These conveniences are especially useful if you are a family with children at different stages and ages.
Home schooling can also provide great variety in your curriculum. You can choose from a wide array of courses and choose those which sound most interesting or most challenging. You can also skip ahead or stay longer on a topic if you need to.
These are all important benefits to a home school program. If the benefits sound worthwhile to you why not pick a date and get started? There is no need to put off home school for another time or a later date. Home schooling is something you can learn as you go so take advantage of online home school resources and get started!
Providing home-based instruction to your child will allow you to explore the world from your own home with little or no extra cost to you or your family. Most home school programs offer free or low cost grading and testing. This can be a great way to have control over your child’s education and still be able to have some of the benefits of traditional school.
Although we have mentioned throughout this article, the plenthora of free and low cost home school materials available, please be mindful that most of the time, you get what you pay for. While it is invaluable to take the opportunity to spend more time with your child and play a leading role in his or her intellectual and socio-emotional development, a solid education is priceless; one with which he/she will rely upon to succeed in an increasingly competitive world.
Before you leave this site, please don’t forget to visit my Amazon store to consider purchasing some of the recommended educational activity ideas, that have been expertly curated by a School Psychologist.