Recently, it was announced that federal investigators were called to investigate “long-standing” irregularities such as corruption, racketeering, and conspiracy (RICO) alleged to have occurred in the New York City Public Schools. For a better understanding of RICO, you might consider visiting my Fraud and Cyber Terms page found here.
If you follow my blog, you may recall that we highlighted conditions that may give rise to the potential for fraud to occur in the education sector as well as waste, abuse and mismanagement by alerting our readers to the New York City, Office of the Comptroller Report a number of years ago (posted here for your convenience).
Other articles related to big city school systems and fraud
- Post- Chicago’s bloodied streets and Board of Education
- Post- Hurricanes and School Mismanagement
- Educator Fraud and Disparate Impact
- Post- Drugging Medicaid kids and Education Fraud
Uncovering fraud in the educational institutions has been a daunting task. Many believed that we were focusing on the negative aspects of the system and failed to emphasize the positives. However, we are educators and know that 98.2% of the educator, administrator and professorial pool do right by our kids and young adults. But, we pull no punches when wrong doing has been found or alleged to have occurred. If we don’t, then we are partly to blame for the dysfunction that abounds. This is why we are applauding courageous educator and possibly parent whistleblowers for coming forward. We know of no other website dedicated specifically to the cause of fraud in educational systems and institutions prior to the College Admissions Scandal except ours.
Related Training
- How to set up a Whistleblower Program
- How to Manage the Risk of Employee/Educator Misconduct
- How to set up an in-house Administrative Investigations Program
Unfortunately, due to the deeply embedded culture of “look the other way,” the false belief that fraud in education is a victimless crime, and the many years of longitudinal study (see my book for references) it takes to document the detrimental affects upon our youth, particularly the inner city, under-served, disadvantaged and even rural students federal investigators have not felt the political pressure to make headway. Until now.
The good news is that positive people who advocate for a better system and hope to improve (but not totally dismantle) the educational programs that have been an inspiration to all are standing up and leading the way to aggressively push back against the political establishments that have served as a barrier to fraud, political graft, waste, and corruption ‘clean up’ efforts. Sometimes the old structures of Commissions, Deliberative Bodies and Oversight Boards, in and of themselves serve as standard bearers for maintaining the status quo. As quoted here, “SCI was sitting on cases alleging waste or misconduct by Mayor Bill de Blasio, First Lady Chirlane McCray, Chancellor Richard Carranza and other “high-level executives,” to protect them. Special Commissioner Anastasia Coleman denied the accusation.”
Related Articles you may find of interest
- Fraud in Education Threat to National Security
- Fraud in Education Criminal Profiles
- Fraud in Education and College Sports
- Test Cheating and Government Corruption
- The Educator Fraud Prism: Risk Analysis
- Graduation Selfies and Fraud
- Drugging Medicaid Kids and Fraud
- Gaming Graduation Rates
- Student Loans and Executive Bonuses
- Labor, School Athletics and Fraud
Thanks again to all parents, young adults, educators, professors and education administrators for ensuring that our kids are given the best education possible. And, thanks too for the whistleblowers who scrutinize and report upon those that are up to no good.
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